We’re nearing the most wonderful time of year: Girl Scout Cookie Season! Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast prepared girls for this year’s cookie magic with our 2024 Cookie Kickoff event held at the Children’s Museum of Virginia on Saturday, December 16. Almost 700 Girl Scouts from across our Council came together to celebrate! Lucy, our axolotl mascot, was on hand to demonstrate how to “Own Your Magic” in 2024 as we learn new skills and reach new goals through the cookie program.
Girl Scouts learned new super-seller skills by visiting fun, interactive activity stations and completed specific badge steps from their grade level’s Girl Scout Cookie Business badges. Girls participated in cookie sampling, mock cookie booths, crafts, and lots of games hosted by our volunteers that helped to develop their product knowledge and sales techniques. Cookie Captains, older Girl Scouts who have achieved success in the cookie program, led activities to educate and mentor younger Girl Scouts.
GSCCC CEO Tracy Keller, Lucy the Axolotl, and Board Chair Carolyn Pittman
Girl Scouts enjoyed all the interactive exhibits at the Children’s Museum of Virginia
Cookie Captains were on hand to educate and mentor younger Girl Scouts
The Children’s Museum of Virginia, a GSCCC community partner located in Portsmouth, was a fantastic venue for the event. Girl Scouts of all ages were fascinated, challenged, and delighted by activities like a trip around the solar system in the museum’s planetarium, fun in the ‘bubble room’, and sock skating with their Girl Scout sisters.
Throughout the Cookie Kickoff, girls worked to develop the five skills taught by the Girl Scout Cookie Program that are essential to building leadership, confidence, and success in life.
Skill #1—Goal Setting: Girls set sales goals and create a plan to reach them.
Skill #2—Decision Making: Girls decide when and where to sell, how to market their sale, and what to do with earnings.
Skill #3—Money Management: Girls develop a budget, take orders, and handle customers’ money.
Skill #4—People Skills: Girls learn how to talk (and listen!) to their customers, as well as how to work as a team.
Skill #5—Business Ethics: Girls act honestly and responsibly during every step of the Cookie Program.
The ‘bubble room’ was a popular attraction for all ages
Girl Scouts made new friends going ‘ice’ skating in their socks
Practice makes perfect at the new Little Tikes Girl Scout Cookie Booth
Thank you to all who joined us for the 2024 Cookie Kickoff! We had so much fun celebrating the upcoming Girl Scout Cookie season with you. We wouldn’t have had such a special night without each and every one of our Girl Scouts, Cookie Captains, volunteers, and staff members present. We make a great team!
Speaking of teams…every business needs a support team to ensure its success. For the Girl Scout cookie business, a girl’s family is one of the most important parts of her team. Families are invited to explore our Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin with resources and activities designed to help their Girl Scout excel in the cookie program and beyond.