The Leader says: Listen closely while I tell you the story of Juliette Gordon Low, who started the American Girl Scouts. Every time I say Mrs. Low’s nickname, “DAISY,” you have to say, “We’re Daisies, too!”
Let’s practice.
(Say “Daisy” and let the girls reply.)
Once there was a girl named Juliette Low who lived in Savannah, Georgia. Her nickname was DAISY. DAISY was an artist, but she also loved pets, playing outdoors, and helping others. When DAISY grew up and got married, she moved to England, where she met Lord Baden-Powell, who started the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Lord Baden-Powell told DAISY about the Girl Guides, and she decided to become a leader. DAISY liked Girl Guiding so much, she wanted to share it with her friends and family in Savannah. So DAISY said good-bye to the Girl Guides in England and took the ideas that Lord Baden-Powell gave her home to Georgia. There, DAISY formed a group of girls who loved animals, art, the outdoors and helping others. These American girls called themselves Girl Scouts instead of Girl Guides, but they were still part of the same world-wide family. So aren’t you glad that:
[Speed up here!]
Juliette Low from Savannah, Georgia,
who was an artist and loved the outdoors,
went to England and met Lord Baden-Powell,
learned about the Girl Guides,
and came home to start Girl Scouting in the USA
where the youngest Girl Scouts are called Daisies!