The Juliette Gordon Low Society (JGLS) is an incredibly impactful way to honor and recognize individuals who have included Girl Scouts in their estate plans, ensuring the continuity of the organization’s mission to build girls of courage, confidence, and character. By supporting the long-term sustainability of Girl Scouts, the JGLS plays a crucial role in empowering future generations of girls to become leaders and make a positive impact in their communities. The first planned gift in the Girl Scout Movement came from our founder, Juliette Gordon Low. After converting the carriage house of her home into the first Girl Scout national headquarters, she gifted the property to Girl Scouts in her will.
GSCCC CEO Tracy Keller leads the induction ceremony
Michael Swanson, GSCCC Director of Philanthropy Sally Swanson, and Brad and Carolyn Pittman
Members perform the official Girl Scout Handshake
We’re proud to continue this tradition of honoring those who make the plan to include Girl Scouts in their legacy giving. On November 30, 2023, Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast (GSCCC) pinned four new members to the JGLS at an evening reception and ceremony hosted by JGLS members and GSCCC Board Members at Large Amy Coyne and Amanda Howie.
Newly pinned members included Brad and Carolyn Pittman along with Michael and Sally Swanson. The group shared fond memories of the Council's history and envisioned the bright future of GSCCC during an evening of fellowship.
Other attendees included current JGLS society members and friends along with GSCCC staff representatives.
When you make Girl Scouts a beneficiary of your estate plans, you become a member of the JGLS which also comes with recognition, invitations to special events, updates about the work of Girl Scouts, and the knowledge that your gift will impact girls for generations to come. The Society is a very special group of friends who share their legacy to create a brighter future by investing in girls who will change the world.
One of the easiest and most powerful ways to ensure that your love and legacy of Girl Scouts lives on is to include Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast in your will or trust or as a beneficiary of your assets. Learn more about how to include Girl Scouts in your legacy today.