By Community Relations Volunteer Southern Van Auken
The Blazing Blue Herons canoe team hosted Girl Scouts from around the Colonial Coast for their annual Day at the Pond event, held on Saturday, March 25 at Burke’s Mill Pond in Gloucester, Virginia. Guided by the Blue Herons, girls enjoyed outdoor activity stations, including archery, fishing, and nature crafts, as well as canoeing and water safety skills.
Volunteer leaders Rachel Martin and Tracy Waible of Troop 1201 in Williamsburg said their girls had been looking forward to this special event for months. Day at the Pond certainly did not disappoint. Girl Scout Brownie Hannah from Troop 94 of Virginia Beach said, “All the girls were so nice, and I tried so many new things. It was one of the best days of my life!”
A momentary rainstorm only added to the excitement of the day. Girls took cover on the porch of Treakle Cabin to play a game of Jeopardy, designed by the Blue Herons. Girl Scouts answered trivia questions about water safety, preparing for a canoe trip, Burke’s Mill Pond, and the Blazing Blue Herons team itself. Girl Scouts were all-smiles throughout this adventure-filled day, which ended with an exciting canoe race across Burke’s Mill Pond.
Just like a Girl Scout troop meeting, the Blue Herons is a girl-led team. Coach Edwina Gonzalez works to instill the values of commitment and leadership and involve the girls in all team planning. Those skills were on display at Day at the Pond, as team members shared their expertise and enthusiasm with their fellow Girl Scouts. Blue Heron Nicole Byrd said she loves getting to know the younger girls and teaching them about canoeing. She hopes that one day, when they’re Juniors and Cadettes, they’ll decide to join the canoe team.
Troop 1201 tried archery: Vivian, Sydney, Scarlett, Grace, Alyssa, Natalie, and Lauren
Blue Herons Isabella and Nicole play Jeopardy with Brownies Adriana, Hannah, Sara, and Florence
Girl Scout Juniors from Troop 207 Olivia, Annabelle, and Emily with their nature crafts
Blue Heron Zoey McNicol with Girl Scout Brownies Hannah and Florence
Girl Brownie Kalyssa of Troop 1205 fishing with her dad and Girl Scout volunteer, Marcus
Girl Scout Juniors Alyssa and Scarlett with Blue Heron Cailyn
About the Author: Southern lives in Virginia Beach and homeschools her two daughters, who are both Girl Scouts!