You’ll be a great fit to work at camps if you…
Can commit to a schedule and work the entire summer. We count on you to be at camp from the start to the end of the summer. Days off may be spent in or out of camp. Many staff members plan outings or activities together on their day off. Camp staff members enjoy up to two hours off every day, which is spent in camp, and one day off each week. Most days start early and end late, so natural energy and enthusiasm will go a long way!
Attend training before camp. Depending on your position, you will arrive in June to attend training on topics such as safety, homesickness, girl advocacy, risk management, and more. You’ll also have site-specific training to prepare for the arrival of campers and activities offered at camp.
Are friendly and calm, especially under pressure. We expect camp staff to have a friendly attitude toward girls, parents, and other staff by smiling and greeting everyone you meet, getting to know others, and welcoming all girls who are attending camp to ensure they feel a sense of belonging. Girls will look up to you and see you as a role model.
Are a team player. You will be living in tight spaces and working with the same people all summer. Sometimes you may be tired or under stress, but your co-workers and your campers will count on you to be there for them 100% of the time. At camp, staff always need to see the cup as half full and not let a bad day affect those around you.
Love working outdoors. We have modern amenities, however, you will be regularly exposed to natural allergens, insects, animals, weather, etc.
Are good at switching gears. All staff need to be ready and eager to help with all areas of camp at any time! Poor weather might change your entire day of plans, and you’ll need to adjust with a smile.
Are willing to learn new things. Parents look to us to be camp experts! You’ll need to learn about leading groups of girls and keeping them safe and happy.
Are willing to follow a dress code. While we want staff to be comfortable at camp, staff must keep their uniform in good condition and look neat and professional on days when the uniform is not required.
Are willing to disconnect from technology. Each Girl Scout Camp has access to the Internet for staff members, but time is very limited. Phone use is for emergencies only. Staff may bring their own cell phones, but use is limited to when staff members are on their time off, only. All staff are asked not to have their cell phones in front of campers at any time.
Pay attention to the little things. It doesn’t take much to make a BIG difference at camp—a warm smile, a chat with someone sitting alone, a second to pick up litter. These acts create the positive and inviting culture and environment we strive to offer all campers.
Live by the Girl Scout Promise, Law, and mission at camp. The Girl Scout Promise and Law are the ways Girl Scouts agree to act every day toward one another, other people, and the world. Camp staff will need to become Girl Scout members and therefore abide by the Promise and Law.