Friday, December 20, 2024, was anticipated to be one of the busiest days of the year for service members’ homebound travel. Several Girl Scouts were on hand to greet the newly landed military passengers at Norfolk International Airport, and gift them with fall product packages as part of GSCCC’s annual Care to Share program.
This past fall, Girl Scouts across the Greater Hampton Roads area put their entrepreneurial, e-commerce, and cyber-safety skills to work as they engaged friends, family, and friends to order candies, nuts, and magazines. The proceeds provide start-up funds to help them launch their troop year activities. Through the Care to Share program, 2,821 of those fall product packages that were purchased by customers were designated for donation to the USO of Hampton Roads and Central Virginia.
Along with the Girl Scout Cookie Program that is taking place now, the Fall Product Program helps to fund Girl Scout participation, travel, service projects, badge work and more. Through these annual product programs, Girl Scouts gain practical money management skills, learn how to create budgets, practice goal-setting, and polish their communications — all skills that will last them a lifetime. Learning by doing gives Girl Scouts a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities.
Cookie entrepreneurs are accepting donations of Girl Scout Cookies to benefit the military this year, too! Through the Gift of Caring program, customers can purchase cookies to donate. GSCCC then delivers donated cookies to the USO, where they are distributed to an active duty military or domestic veteran audience.
Support our Girl Scout troops by supporting THE TROOPS with a Gift of Caring donation this cookie season! Learn more at