Because of dedicated Girl Scout volunteers, Girl Scouts is building young leaders who are confident in their ability to make the world a better place. We open doors to endless opportunities. And helping hold that door open is our Board Chair Carolyn Pittman! She leads a strong board team who serve as representatives for members across our Council. They attend board member meetings where they share their knowledge and ideas, providing their perspectives on a variety of governance topics.
Carolyn first said yes to Girl Scouting in 2009, when she registered her daughter, Claire, to become a Girl Scout Daisy in the Girl Scout Council of North Texas. Carolyn became a co-leader for the troop and both she and Claire became rooted in the Movement. They didn’t think twice about keeping the tradition of Girl Scouting going when they moved to Yorktown, Virginia in 2011. Again, Carolyn stepped up to volunteer to be a Brownie leader and as a result, built a special relationship with her daughter.
“My favorite memory from those early years was the first campfire and singalong, and of course, we made s’mores!” Carolyn said. “The first bridging was also special.”
Carolyn with Girl Scouts at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia
Carolyn poses with her daughter, Claire, in front of the fountain “Claire’s Dancing Waters”
Carolyn was inducted into the Juliette Gordon Low Society last November
Carolyn’s interest in Girl Scouts has continued as she has watched her daughter and other girls grow with the program. Her daughter, Claire, became a Gold Award Girl Scout in 2021! As a gift to her daughter and the Council, Carolyn donated funds for the fountain, Claire’s Dancing Waters, at Camp Skimino. Carolyn’s continued involvement also evolved into board membership. She first became involved with GSCCC’s Board of Directors in 2015, the same year she became a lifetime member. She was appointed as a board member at large and served on several committees, including serving as the chair for five committees over the years — Property, Finance, Philanthropy, Investment and Audit. As a board officer, she has served as Treasurer, Vice Chair, and now serves as the Board Chair. She says she has learned much in each of those roles, and feels a great sense of accomplishment as a member of GSCCC’s Property Committee where she became familiar with Council camps and saw the incredible opportunities they offer to our girls.
This year has already been a busy one for Carolyn who has attended and represented GSCCC at many functions including the annual Girl Scout Legislative Day held in Richmond where she met with state legislators and several members of the Governor’s Cabinet. She has also worked hand-in-hand with the board and chief executive to set strategy to help GSCCC reach goals and objectives, and is ensuring those are met.
When she is not in her Girl Scout role, her time is dedicated to being a business leader and certified public accountant. Her career has included being the chief accounting officer for three large corporations which include Northrop Grumman, Huntington Ingalls Newport News Shipbuilding, and Maxar Technologies. She is currently serving on the Board of Directors of Minerals Technologies, Inc.
“I think I’ve really connected to the Girl Scout Cookie Program because of my profession,” Carolyn said. “Teaching our troop the skills to run and enhance the Cookie Program was really fun and rewarding. Now, as Board Chair, I can bring my business skills and expertise once again to Girl Scouting as the Council moves into implementing a strong strategic plan that will help us revitalize our membership.”