BOD Spotlight: Sarah Linden-Brooks

BOD Spotlight: Sarah Linden-Brooks

Sarah serves as a Member At Large on the GSCCC Board of Directors. Sarah serves as a Member At Large on the GSCCC Board of Directors.Sarah serves as a Member At Large on the GSCCC Board of Directors.

Sarah serves as a Member At Large on the GSCCC Board of Directors.

Sarah joined Girl Scouts in elementary school as a Brownie. Sarah joined Girl Scouts in elementary school as a Brownie.Sarah joined Girl Scouts in elementary school as a Brownie.

Sarah joined Girl Scouts in elementary school as a Brownie.

Sarah posing with the sailboats at Sail Nauticus in Norfolk, Virginia. Sarah posing with the sailboats at Sail Nauticus in Norfolk, Virginia.Sarah posing with the sailboats at Sail Nauticus in Norfolk, Virginia.

Sarah posing with the sailboats at Sail Nauticus in Norfolk, Virginia.