Girl Scout Ambassador Lauren earned the Girl Scout Gold Award by creating a dedicated after-school learning space and providing educational materials to the students of the Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia. Lauren identified the need for the availability of additional reading resources, mathematical resources, and homework help outside of the classroom, and completed this project to address those needs for elementary aged students in her community.
“The root cause of my Gold Award project was to address the lack of educational resources and tools available outside of school for kids considered high risk. According to current data, 37% of low-income children raised in poverty do not complete high school. Furthermore, these children are seven times more likely to be persistently poor into their late twenties. These staggering statistics continue to reflect the need for readily available and useful educational resources within this population.”
To address this issue, Lauren designed, built, and installed a dedicated space for students in the after-school program at the Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Virginia, located in Chesapeake, Virginia. In the “Kids Korner,” students can receive homework help, use calculators donated as part of the project, and access learning kits with worksheets created by Lauren to walk students through various reading and math topics. In addition to creating the “Kids Korner,” Lauren also published a website and YouTube video series to provide students with access to homework help at any time, anywhere. (View a sample video from the full playlist below.)