SmartFlower | Girl Scouts of Colonial Coast
Girl Scouts looking at a smartphone and smiling Girl Scouts looking at a smartphone and smilingGirl Scouts looking at a smartphone and smiling

150 complete smartphone charges

Trefoil shortbread Girl Scout Cookie Trefoil shortbread Girl Scout CookieTrefoil shortbread Girl Scout Cookie

One hour of baking


23 hours of television

light bulb badge graphic light bulb badge graphiclight bulb badge graphic

250 hours of LED lighting

Local Girl Scouts and representatives from our funding partners at the SmartFlower ribbon cutting: Senator Kaine’s Regional Director Diane Kaufman, Sarah Taylor and Whitney Saunders from The Blocker Foundation, and Tonya Byrd and Troy Lindsey from Dominion Energy.
Daisy’s Dedication Ceremony

View photos from the day’s event and read more about Daisy’s first official day on the job!